Gastro Pub «As busiu cia» - a unique place where gastronomic wonders and a unique atmosphere meet.
Cozy terrace of Gastro Pub «As busiu cia» - an ideal place to relax in the fresh air. Here you can enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, drink a cocktail, enjoy a stunning view and spend time in good company.
At Gastro Pub «As busiu cia» you can feel the real musical atmosphere. You will be able to enjoy performances by talented musicians performing various musical genres.
Schedule and poster of events Gastro Pub «As busiu cia» can be found on our website. Here you can find out about all the upcoming concerts, parties and other interesting events. On our website you can also buy tickets to Gastro Pub «As busiu cia» online - quickly and easily.
Visit Gastro Pub «As busiu cia» and experience the unique atmosphere and taste dishes. Enjoy fine cocktails, live music and a serene atmosphere.